Curriculum Vitae
René Jagnow
Peabody Hall 125
Department of Philosophy
University of Georgia, Athens
E-mail: [email protected]
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Perception, Phenomenology, Aesthetics
Areas of Competence
Early 20th Century Philosophy, Logical Positivism, Philosophy of Language, Logic
Academic Employment
08.2012-present Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Georgia
01.2023-03.2023 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, UCLA
10.2020-12.2020 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, UCLA
04.2016-06.2016 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, UCLA
08.2006-07.2012 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Georgia
08.2010-12.2010 Visiting Research Appointment, Department of Philosophy, UCLA
03.2003-07.2006 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Middlebury College
05.2002-09.2003 Visiting Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Middlebury College
1996- 2000 Teaching Assistant, Department of Philosophy, McGill University
Ph.D. in Philosophy, McGill University, 2003
Dissertation: “Geometry and Spatial Intuition: A Genetic Approach”
Thesis Advisers: Michael Hallett and Philip Buckley
M.A. (Magister Artium), in Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1996
Master's Thesis: “Donald Davidson und die Konventionalität der Sprache"
(Donald Davidson and the Conventionality of Language)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Schnädelbach, Reader: Prof. Dr. Rolf-Peter Horstmann
“Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” in Proceeding of the ESA, vol. 15, eds. Vítor Moura and Connell Vaughan, 2023: 285-304.
“Experiencing Atmospheres in Paintings,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, (forthcoming)
"The Particularity of Photographic Experience," Theoria, 2023: 89(2), 216– 231.
“Twofold Pictorial Experience,” Erkenntnis, 2021: 86, 853-874.
“Representationalism, Double Vision, and Afterimages: A Response to Işık Sarıhan,” Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2020: 20(3), 435-451.
“Depicting Depictions,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 2017: 98(S1), 453-479.
“Can We See Natural Kind Properties?” Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Special Issue on the Philosophy of Mind, 2015: 44 (2), 178-209.
“Facts in Ethical Space: Wittgenstein on the Waxing and Waning of the World,” in Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, vol. 22, eds. Sonja Rinofer-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2014), 141-43.
“Color Discrimination and Monitoring Theories of Consciousness,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2012: 90 (1), 57-74.
“Representationalism and the Perspectival Character of Perceptual Experience,” Philosophical Studies, 2012: 157 (2), 227-249.
“Ambiguous Figures and the Spatial Contents of Perceptual Experience: A Defense of Representationalism,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2011: 10 (1), 325-346.
“Shadow-Experiences and the Phenomenal Complexity of Color,” dialectica, 2010: 64 (2), 187-212
“How Representationalism Can Account for the Phenomenal Significance of Illumination,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2009: 8 (4), 551-572.
“Disappearing Appearances: On the Enactive Approach to Spatial Perceptual Content,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2008: 46 (1), 45-67.
“Critical Essay of Lisa Shabel’s book Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Reflections on Mathematical Practice,” Philosophia Mathematica, 2007: 15 (3), 366-386 (invited).
“Edmund Husserl on the Applicability of Formal Geometry,” Intuition and the Axiomatic Method, eds. Emily Carson and Renate Huber (Dordrecht: Springer, 2006), 67-85.
“Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry,” in Husserl and Stein, eds. Richard Feist and William Sweet (Washington, DC: CRVP Press, 2003), 57-87.
“Husserl, Carnap et l'idée de la géométrie matériale,” in Aux origines de la phénoménologie. Husserl et le contexte des recherches logiques, eds. Denise Fissette and Sandra Lapointe (Paris: Vrin; Laval: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2003), 41-59. This is an abridged version of “Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry.”
Conference Papers and Commentaries
“Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” annual meeting of the ESA (European Society for Aesthetics), Budapest, June 30, 2023. (presented online)
“Multisensory Experience of Paintings, annual meeting of the ASA (American Society for Aesthetics), Portland, November 19, 2022.
“Experiencing Atmospheres in Painting: Vilhelm Hammershøi’s Interiors,” Southern Aesthetics Workshop, Charleston, October 14, 2022.
“Vilhelm Hammershøi’s interiors: How do we experience atmosphere in paintings?” Expanded Aesthetics Workshop at UGA, May 6, 2022.
“Strong Representationalism and the Experience of Afterimages,” annual meeting of the SSPP (Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology), March 31, 2022.
“Representationalism and the Veridicality of Afterimage Experiences,” annual meeting of the Pacific Division of the APA, April 2021.
“Photographic Experience,” conference paper, accepted the Midsouth Philosophy Conference, Memphis, March 2020 (postponed to be given at the next meeting of the Midsouth Philosophy Conference).
Commentary on James Dow’s paper “Appreciating Wildness,” Southern Aesthetics Workshop, 29 August, 2019.
“A Phenomenal Contrast Argument in Favor of Twofold Pictorial Experience,” symposium paper, annual meeting of the Central Division of the APA, 22 Feb, 2019.
“Defending Twofold Pictorial Experience,” annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Division of the ASA, 7 July, 2018.
“Pictorial Experience and Inflection,” annual meeting of the ASA (American Society for Aesthetics), 13 November, 2015.
Commentary on Assaf Weksler’s paper “Retinal Images and Object Files,” Minds-Online Conference, September 2015.
“The Cognitive Phenomenology Debate and the Distinction between Sensory and Cognitive Phenomenal Character” annual meeting of the ESPP (European Society for Philosophy and Psychology), Tartu, Estonia, 14 July, 2015.
“Commentary on John Spackmann’s paper Conceptualism and the Richness of Perceptual Content,” annual meeting of the SSPP (Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology), New Orleans, April 3, 2015.
“Facts in Ethical Space: Wittgenstein on the Waxing and Waning of the World,” 37th International Wittgenstein Symposion, Kirchberg, Austria, 15 August, 2014.
“A Problem for the Method of Phenomenal Contrast,” annual meeting of the ESPP (European Society for Philosophy and Psychology), Granada, Spain, 11 August, 2013.
“Are Kind Properties Represented in Perceptual Experiences?,” annual meeting of the IAPCS (International Association for Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences), Philadelphia, 19 October, 2011.
“Representational Content and Perceptual Organization: On a Counter-Example to Intentionalism,” annual meeting of the Pacific Division of the APA, San Diego, 21 April, 2011.
“Reversible Figures and the Content of Perceptual Experience,” keynote for the Graduate Student Conference at UGA, Athens, Georgia, 11 February, 2011.
“Why Perspective Is Not an Epistemic Relation,” Central Division Meeting of the APA, Chicago, 19 February, 2010.
“Why Perspective Is Not an Epistemic Relation,” Canadian Philosophical Association, Ottawa, Canada, 27 May, 2009.
“How Representationalism Can Account for the Phenomenal Significance of Illumination,” Canadian Philosophical Association, Ottawa, Canada, 28 May, 2009.
“Russellian Representationalism and Color Constancy,” Canadian Philosophical Association, Vancouver, Canada, 2 June, 2008.
“Russellian Representationalism and Color Constancy,” Meeting of the Georgia Philosophical Society at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, 8 March, 2008.
“Disappearing Appearances: A Critique of Alva Noë’s Enactive Account of Shape Perception,” Pacific Division of the APA, San Francisco, 7 April, 2007.
“Paradise Lost Twice: David Chalmers on Phenomenal Content,” Meeting of the Georgia Philosophical Society at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 3 March, 2007.
“Enacting Shapes: A Kinaesthetic Approach to Spatial Intuition,” University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 09 February, 2006.
“Perceptual Necessity in Diagram-Based Geometry,” Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, 27 January, 2006.
“Enacting Depth: A Kineaesthetic Approach to the Phenomenal Quality of Spatial Perceptual Experience,” Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont, 30 November 2005.
“Seeing Geometrically: The Role of Diagrams in Geometry,” Massachusetts College of the Liberal Arts, North Adams, Massachusetts, 29 April, 2004.
“Rudolf Carnap's Construction of Intuitive Space,” paper given at the conference "Edmund Husserl and the Austrian Tradition," University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, 12 October, 2001.
“Husserl and the Idea of a Material Geometry,” paper given at the conference "Edmund Husserl's Logical Investigations 1901-2001," McGill University, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 29 May, 2001.
“Husserl on the Relationship between Formal and Intuitive Space,” paper given at the conference Intuition in Mathematics and Physics, McGill University, Montréal, Canada, 12 September, 1999.
“Edmund Husserl on Perception and Skepticism,” annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 9 June, 1999.
“Heidegger and Benjamin on Language,” commentary on the paper “Heidegger's and Benjamin's Theories of Language and Death,” given by Joachim Oberst at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophical Association, 9 June, 1999.
Teaching Experience
University of Georgia
Undergraduate Courses:
Aesthetics (Phil 4(6)2300, Fall 2014)
Contemporary Analytic Tradition (Phil 4(6)100, Fall 2013)
Cognitive Science (Phil 3550, Fall 11, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)
Existentialism (Phil 3030, Spring 2008/10/11/14)
Introduction to Symbolic Logic (Phil 2500, Fall 2007/12, Spring 10/11/13/14)
Philosophy of Language (Phil 4(6)300, Spring 2007/08)
Philosophy of Mind (Phil 4(6)310, Spring 2009/10/13)
Technology and Values ((Phil 4(6)250, Spring 2007)
Graduate Courses:
The Contentts of Visual Experience (Fall 2015)
Philosophical Perspectives on Depiction (Fall 2012)
The Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Fall 2011)
Consciousness, Intentionality, and Introspection (Fall 2009)
Husserl’s Phenomenological Analysis of Consciousness in the Logical Investigations (Spring 2009)
Mind and World (Fall 2008)
The Content of Perception (Fall 2006)
Middlebury College
Approaches to Technology in the 20th Century (Winter 2003)
Cassirer, Carnap, Heidegger and the Concept of Experience (Senior Seminar) (Fall 2005)
History and Philosophy of Science (Fall 2002/03/04)
Introduction to Symbolic Logic (Fall 2002/03/04/05)
Phenomenology and Existentialism (Spring 2003/04/05/06)
Philosophy of Language (Spring 2004) Philosophy of Science (Spring 2003/06)
Philosophy of Space and Time (Spring 2005)
Philosophy and Visual Perception (Winter 2004/05)