“Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics (forthcoming)
“Experiencing Atmospheres in Paintings,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 2024: 82(1), 18-35.
“Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” in Proceeding of the ESA, vol. 15, eds. Vítor Moura and Connell Vaughan, 2023: 285-304. (Earlier version of the paper with the same title published in Estetika.)
"The Particularity of Photographic Experience," Theoria, 2023: 89(2), 216– 231.
“Twofold Pictorial Experience,” Erkenntnis, 2021: 86, 853-874.
“Representationalism, Double Vision, and Afterimages: A Response to Işık Sarıhan,” Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2020: 20(3), 435-451.
“Depicting Depictions,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 2017: 98(S1), 453-479.
“Can We See Natural Kind Properties?” Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Special Issue on the Philosophy of Mind, 2015: 44 (2), 178-209.
“Facts in Ethical Space: Wittgenstein on the Waxing and Waning of the World,” in Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, vol. 22, eds. Sonja Rinofer-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2014), 141-43.
“Color Discrimination and Monitoring Theories of Consciousness,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2012: 90 (1), 57-74.
“Representationalism and the Perspectival Character of Perceptual Experience,” Philosophical Studies, 2012: 157 (2), 227-249.
“Ambiguous Figures and the Spatial Contents of Perceptual Experience: A Defense of Representationalism,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2011: 10 (1), 325-346.
“Shadow-Experiences and the Phenomenal Complexity of Color,” dialectica, 2010: 64 (2), 187-212
“How Representationalism Can Account for the Phenomenal Significance of Illumination,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2009: 8 (4), 551-572.
“Disappearing Appearances: On the Enactive Approach to Spatial Perceptual Content,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2008: 46 (1), 45-67.
“Critical Essay of Lisa Shabel’s book Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Reflections on Mathematical Practice,” Philosophia Mathematica, 2007: 15 (3), 366-386 (invited).
“Edmund Husserl on the Applicability of Formal Geometry,” Intuition and the Axiomatic Method, eds. Emily Carson and Renate Huber (Dordrecht: Springer, 2006), 67-85.
“Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry,” in Husserl and Stein, eds. Richard Feist and William Sweet (Washington, DC: CRVP Press, 2003), 57-87.
“Husserl, Carnap et l'idée de la géométrie matériale,” in Aux origines de la phénoménologie. Husserl et le contexte des recherches logiques, eds. Denise Fissette and Sandra Lapointe (Paris: Vrin; Laval: Les Presses del'Université Laval, 2003), 41-59. This is an abridged version of “Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry.”
“Experiencing Atmospheres in Paintings,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 2024: 82(1), 18-35.
“Multisensory Experience of Paintings,” in Proceeding of the ESA, vol. 15, eds. Vítor Moura and Connell Vaughan, 2023: 285-304. (Earlier version of the paper with the same title published in Estetika.)
"The Particularity of Photographic Experience," Theoria, 2023: 89(2), 216– 231.
“Twofold Pictorial Experience,” Erkenntnis, 2021: 86, 853-874.
“Representationalism, Double Vision, and Afterimages: A Response to Işık Sarıhan,” Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 2020: 20(3), 435-451.
“Depicting Depictions,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 2017: 98(S1), 453-479.
“Can We See Natural Kind Properties?” Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Special Issue on the Philosophy of Mind, 2015: 44 (2), 178-209.
“Facts in Ethical Space: Wittgenstein on the Waxing and Waning of the World,” in Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, vol. 22, eds. Sonja Rinofer-Kreidl and Harald Wiltsche (Kirchberg am Wechsel, 2014), 141-43.
“Color Discrimination and Monitoring Theories of Consciousness,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 2012: 90 (1), 57-74.
“Representationalism and the Perspectival Character of Perceptual Experience,” Philosophical Studies, 2012: 157 (2), 227-249.
“Ambiguous Figures and the Spatial Contents of Perceptual Experience: A Defense of Representationalism,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2011: 10 (1), 325-346.
“Shadow-Experiences and the Phenomenal Complexity of Color,” dialectica, 2010: 64 (2), 187-212
“How Representationalism Can Account for the Phenomenal Significance of Illumination,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 2009: 8 (4), 551-572.
“Disappearing Appearances: On the Enactive Approach to Spatial Perceptual Content,” The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 2008: 46 (1), 45-67.
“Critical Essay of Lisa Shabel’s book Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Reflections on Mathematical Practice,” Philosophia Mathematica, 2007: 15 (3), 366-386 (invited).
“Edmund Husserl on the Applicability of Formal Geometry,” Intuition and the Axiomatic Method, eds. Emily Carson and Renate Huber (Dordrecht: Springer, 2006), 67-85.
“Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry,” in Husserl and Stein, eds. Richard Feist and William Sweet (Washington, DC: CRVP Press, 2003), 57-87.
“Husserl, Carnap et l'idée de la géométrie matériale,” in Aux origines de la phénoménologie. Husserl et le contexte des recherches logiques, eds. Denise Fissette and Sandra Lapointe (Paris: Vrin; Laval: Les Presses del'Université Laval, 2003), 41-59. This is an abridged version of “Carnap, Husserl, Euclid, and the Idea of a Material Geometry.”